We Teach Companies How to Fish.
"If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; but if you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime."
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As licensed trainers, management consultants, and efficiency experts, we introduce our clients to new and innovative tools to reach their maximum potential.
Once our clients master these tools to grow their businesses, cut costs, and increase their employees' productivity, we work ourselves out of a job—in other words, we teach clients how to fish.
What Clients Are Saying
“A big thanks for helping my dreams come true!”
- David G., Business Owner
“I liked the solutions to overcome obstacles to ineffective communication with the end goal of improving overall communication with others.”
- Philip C.
The Latest from Our Blog, Thoughts by the Fish Pond
Jan 8, 2020 |
Visiting a classroom of elementary children, I was pleased to hear the teacher stress that making eye contact with others was an important part of successful communication. The class participated in games using eye contact activities. Eye contact is often a method some human resource professionals use to detect open and honest job candidates. What […]
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Nov 22, 2019 |
Back in the 90’s, my organization brought in national and international thought leaders to meet with the members of my Business Round Table organization. As I listened to the latest ideas on business concepts, I watched the 50 CEO’s in the audience. They got it. They understood how those fresh ideas could affect their decision […]
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Nov 6, 2019 |
Just renewed my passport for the fourth time. Although it takes just a little effort to obtain a passport and even less time to renew one, I wanted to reflect on why I even have a passport. According to social travel start-up Tripl, 115 million Americans currently have passports. That may sound like a lot, […]
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Jan 23, 2019 |
Well, the correct answer is, “It depends.” If one asked how long it takes to form a team, the correct answer is, “Minutes.” The difference is the concept of “build a team” vs. “form a team.” When you begin to add employees to your work team, consider the following to get that team up and […]
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May 12, 2018 |
Several years ago I was helping a young man who was between jobs. After getting to know him better in order to help him find another job in his field, he confessed to me that he really didn’t like his former job, and was honestly relieved that he had been laid off. “What didn’t you […]
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Meet Our Leadership

Our company has developed deep knowledge of business behaviors. That means we can integrate what we learn about the organization through our exploratory tools with both facts and feelings to gain a full understanding of what’s holding an organization back. We seek evidence to support our conclusions and recommendations.
Blue Gill has a valuable set of integrative skills that we turn into a high value proposition for our clients/organizations. We assist them to understand themselves much better with us than without us. This increased understanding and awareness of an organization’s strengths and weaknesses, using a unique set of tools, becomes the platform for an integrated action plan.
Our approach can truly improve an organization’s future outcome that creates a pathway for the organization to reach the greatness it was destined to achieve.